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Staffordshire DE14 2EB

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The approved plans referred to in the decision notice should be found below, however, if you cannot locate them please contact us via e-mail to or by telephone 01283 508606.

Documents associated with Planning Application, Reference ID:
DEED OF VARIATION P_2011_00546.pdf
P-2011-00546 Application Form.pdf
P-2011-00546 Bat Survey and Great Crested Newt Survey.pdf
P-2011-00546 Block Plan 1.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units 1 to 6 Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units 7 to 14 Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 1.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 2.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 3.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 4.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 5.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 6.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Proposed elevations 7.pdf
P-2011-00546 Commercial Units Roof Plan.pdf
P-2011-00546 Design and Access Statement.pdf
P-2011-00546 Ecological Assessment.pdf
P-2011-00546 Existing Site Survey.pdf
P-2011-00546 FRA.pdf
P-2011-00546 Habitat Management Strategy.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Tupe B Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type A Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Atlow Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Atlow Special Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Broadwater Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Bungalow 1 Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Bungalow 2 Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type C Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type C Special Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Claremont B Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Claremont C Proposed elevations and floor plans C.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Claremont Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type D Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type F Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type G Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Grangewood Proposed elevations and floorplans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Lichfield A Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Lichfield B Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Lichfield C Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Mix.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Sheringham A Proposed elevations.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Sheringham A Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Sheringham B Proposed elevations.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Sheringham B Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Taunton Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Welbeck Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Wessington Extra Proposed elevations.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Wessington Extra Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Wessington Proposed elevations.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Wessington Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Wessington Special Proposed Elevations.pdf
P-2011-00546 House Type Wessington Special Proposed floor plans.pdf
P-2011-00546 Indicative Streetscenes 1.pdf
P-2011-00546 Indicative Streetscenes 2.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Designations Figure 2.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 1.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 10.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 11.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 12.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 13.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 14.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 15.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 2.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 3.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 4.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 5.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 6.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 7.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 8.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape Plan 9.pdf
P-2011-00546 Landscape visual assessment.pdf
P-2011-00546 Open Space.pdf
P-2011-00546 Phase 1 Desk Study.pdf
P-2011-00546 Phasing Layout.pdf
P-2011-00546 Photographs Figure 1.pdf
P-2011-00546 Planning Statement.pdf
P-2011-00546 Proposed garages.pdf
P-2011-00546 Road Layout.pdf
P-2011-00546 Site Areas.pdf
P-2011-00546 Site Plan A.pdf
P-2011-00546 Site Plan B.pdf
P-2011-00546 Sustainable Construction Statement.pdf
P-2011-00546 Transport Assessment.pdf
P-2011-00546 Travel Plan.pdf
P-2011-00546 Tree Survey Report.pdf
P-2011-00546 Tutbury Soft Landscape Rationale.pdf
P-2011-00546 Viewpoint A.pdf
P-2011-00546 Viewpoint B.pdf
P-2011-00546 Viewpoint C.pdf
P-2011-00546 Viewpoint D.pdf
P-2011-00546 Viewpoint E 1.pdf
P-2011-00546 Viewpoints key plan.pdf
P-2012-01555 Decision notice.htm.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Control chamber.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Drainage Details.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Foul Outfall Sewer Layout.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Headwall Details.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Hydrogeological & Hydrological Impact Assessment - Appendix C.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Hydrogeological & Hydrological Impact Assessment.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Offsite sewer connection.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Pavement Details.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Pump GA.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Pump station compound layout.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Rising Main Details.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Sections 1.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Sections 2.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Sections 3.pdf
P-2012-01555 Condition 14 - Storm Outfall Sewer Layout.pdf
P_2011_00546 Decision Notice.PDF
P_2011_00546 Phase 1 Layout Landsape Phasing Plans Received 19.04.12.pdf
P_2011_00546 Phase 2 Layout Landsape Phasing Plans Received 19.04.12.pdf
P_2011_00546 Phase 3 Layout Landsape Phasing Plans Received 19.04.12.pdf
P_2011_00546 Phase 4 Layout Landsape Phasing Plans Received 19.04.12.pdf
P_2011_00546 S106 Deed of Variation.pdf
P_2011_00546 S106.pdf
P_2011_00546 Supplemental Agreeement under Section 106A.pdf