In 2008, East Staffordshire was designated as a Fairtrade borough as a result of the activities of the East Staffordshire Fairtrade Group, supported by East Staffordshire Borough Council. The Fairtrade status was achieved again in 2013 and maintained until 2015, when it was not renewed by the Fairtrade group. In 2017, the Uttoxeter Fairtrade Group achieved Fairtrade town status for Uttoxeter, which has been maintained since.

Since 2018, the East Staffordshire Fairtrade Group has been working to increase its membership and engage a greater number of businesses within the Borough to promote Fairtrade. At an East Staffordshire Borough Council meeting in June 2019, a motion was passed that renews the Council's support of the Fairtrade movement and the Fairtrade group in their efforts to renew the Fairtrade status of the Borough in 2019.

Information on Fairtrade can be found on the foundations website:

You can follow the activities of the East Staffordshire and Uttoxeter Fairtrade groups on their Facebook pages, available on the links below.

East Staffordshire Fairtrade Group:

Uttoxeter Fairtrade Group: