About Scrummys at the Barn

Another must-see shop at Woodmill Farm is ‘Scrummys at the Barn’, run by husband and wife team Jane and Stuart Scrimshaw. 

After many years as a Publican, Jane took the decision to move into retail and open the shop in February 2021. Her shop supports small independent distillers, producers and crafters, and sells a large range of local beer, cider, gin, rum and wine. Alongside these offerings, you will find handmade works by local crafters, metalworkers, woodworkers, illustrators, ceramicists, potters and jewellers, which make ideal gifts on the run-up to the festive season.

Scrummys at the Barn

The idea for the shop was born after one of Jane’s friends held a gin tasting event and she loved the idea of being able to mix supporting local businesses and entertaining on the premises. Her 35 years experience of being a Publican certainly came in useful but Jane says there is big difference between retail and hospitality. 

She explained that "You have the freedom to pick and choose the stock you sell and as a result, we have been able to support the fabulous producers that we have right here in the area. We have built up a good rapport with small independent businesses - we know them, and we know their back story. We know the families personally and we can pass their story onto our customers."

As well as the liquor, the range of gift items is vast and you can’t fail to appreciate the hard work that goes into each unique item. One example is a range of candles that are produced by a 12-year old boy. He buys the moulds himself and works with his grandad to make the honey, then uses the beeswax for the candles. His Mum then takes him to artisan markets to sell his wares - a real entrepreneur in the making! Jane said "We were more than happy to stock their items when they approached us, and what an amazing story they have, especially as all the family gets involved."

They also stock jewellery by Julie Stanley, a retired Silversmith who had previously traded in Burton Town Centre for many years. 

Another great gift idea is the range of charcuterie boards and chopping boards by ‘Mortimers’ which are inlaid with resin. Each item is unique and handcrafted from their workshop in Yoxall from sustainably sourced timber. 

If you are looking for something that is a great celebration tipple for the festive period, Jane recommends ‘Rhubling’, an English demi-sec sparkling rhubarb wine. This is made in the traditional Champagne style of in-bottle fermentation with a slightly sweet taste and hint of rhubarb. 

The shop stocks a vast array of products with interesting bottles that make great gift-ideas and talking points. However, if you can’t decide, Jane will put together hampers that are made up in store and include a selection of wines chosen by the knowledgeable staff. 

One of the best-sellers is Yoxall Ice, a dessert cider that has been distilled for two years to mature, before bottling. 40% of the apples in the drink are taken from apples in the area, so you cant get much more local than that! There is also Yoxall Cider, by the same producer that comes in standard, medium and dry, as well as a perry version. 

In order to thank their customers for shopping local, Jane will be offering 10% off wine to celebrate Small Business Saturday on 2nd December.

When asked why it was important for people to shop local, Jane said "By supporting small businesses, you are supporting the local economy. It keeps small businesses going and people in jobs. Businesses like ours are at the heart of the village – everyone here at Woodmill Farm lives in the village. Supporting local people and local producers is such a passion of mine – we get to know the suppliers and customers who are part of the village and get to know their stores." 

Contact details

You can follow them on their social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. 

Telephone Number: 07525059915
Email: janescrimshaw65@gmail.com   
Social Media: Instagram and Facebook – @scrummys_at_the_barn