The Council is keen to encourage public involvement in its meetings. To help this, 20 minutes is set aside at each meeting of Scrutiny to allow for questions submitted by the public to be discussed.

If you wish to ask a question at the meeting you should submit your question to Democratic Services at least two clear working days before the meeting by e-mailing 

Assistance on how to present questions is available upon request from the Democratic Services team but as a general rule, questions should not be frivolous, defamatory or offensive.

We would then advise that you attend in person where you will have up to five minutes to ask your question. 

The question must be relevant to the business of the Scrutiny Committee to which it is put. If it is not possible to answer the question at the meeting, a response will be provided within ten working days of the meeting.

A list of Scrutiny Committees can be found on our meetings, minutes and agenda page.

The Chairman of the relevant Scrutiny Committee will decide whether the question is appropriate and whether the question will be taken at the meeting.

Further guidance is available in our Constitution - Protocol for Public Participation during Scrutiny Committees.