Housing Associations provide low cost "social housing" to rent for people in need of a home. 

In East Staffordshire, you can apply to be added to the East Staffordshire Housing Register, which will give you access to rented homes provided by all of the following Housing Associations:

  • Trent & Dove Housing - All types of housing throughout the Borough
  • Orbit Heart of England - Accommodation for families, couples, singles and people over retirement age
  • Sanctuary - Flats, houses, bungalows, and sheltered flats for people over retirement age
  • Midland Heart - Houses, flats, and bungalows in Rocester, accommodation for families, couples, singles and people over 55
  • Waterloo Housing Association - Houses and flats
  • Metropolitan - Houses and bungalows
  • Derwent Living - Flats for older people in Burton

They may also provide housing for shared ownership, discounted sale or First Homes but these are generally allocated as a result of people contacting them directly, not through the Housing Register.  

Other housing associations

The following Housing Associations also have homes in East Staffordshire. Allocation arrangements may vary - a percentage of their available properties may available via The East Staffordshire Housing Register but you can apply directly to them for the others