Your home may be overcrowded if it does not provide a separate bedroom for each:

  • Couple
  • Single adult aged 21+
  • Two young people of the same sex aged 10-20
  • Two children under 10

If your home is overcrowded, you have to think about the effect on household members.

Children can be badly affected and are up to 10 times more likely to get a major illness. They could also struggle at school as they find it hard to find a quiet space to read and do their homework.

As an adult, overcrowding may contribute to poor mental health.

If your home is overcrowded

  • Are there household members who could move elsewhere? See finding somewhere to live.
  • If you own your home you may be able to borrow money to create the extra space you need or to move to a larger home. A financial advisor can advise you about this.
  • You may be able to rent a bigger home in the private sector. If you would need to claim Housing Benefit see help with rent.
  • If you cannot afford suitable private housing please apply for housing.
  • If you need one to one advice about looking for alternative housing speak to the Council's Housing Options team

If you are aware of a home that is overcrowded because it is shared by a number of individual adults, please contact Environmental Health on 01283 508578.

We can assess whether there is a health and safety hazard or overcrowding issue. If there is then the owner will have to take action, which normally means evicting one or more of the occupiers.