When you have a final version of your Neighbourhood Plan the following sections of the legislation apply:

Section 15: Plan proposals

The qualifying body (Parish Council in this case) should submit the following with a plan proposal:

  1. A map or statement which identifies the area to which the plan relates
  2. A consultation statement

A consultation statement should contain the following:

  • Details of the people and organisations consulted about the proposed neighbourhood development plan
  • Details of how they were consulted
  • A summary of the main issues and concerns raised through the consultation process
  • Descriptions of how these issues and concerns were considered and addressed in the proposed neighbourhood plan
  • The proposed neighbourhood plan
  • A statement on how the plan meets the ‘basic conditions’

Basic conditions for neighbourhood plans are:

  • They must have appropriate regard to national policy
  • They must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
  • They must be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
  • They must be compatible with human rights requirements
  • They must be compatible with EU obligations

The response to a SA/SEA scoping opinion from EA, natural England and English Heritage should form part of a basic conditions statement.

Section 16: Publicising a plan proposal

Upon receiving the proposed plan that includes all the documents above the local planning authority will publicise it, make it available for inspection and invite anyone interested to comment on it by a specific date (not less than 6 weeks from it being publicised).

The local planning authority will also notify anyone referred to in the consultation statement that the plan has been received.