Conservative and Labour groups on East Staffordshire Borough Council reach out to one another to revise the Towns Fund Programme

Main political groups on East Staffordshire Borough Council are reaching out to each other to revive the £23.8m Towns Fund Programme.

Following the Council meeting on 28th February, Conservative and Labour councillors have discussed how to ensure the towns fund projects can progress to funding following successful objections to the Library-Market Hall move. 

Currently, senior councillors have discussed:-

•    The need to reallocate funding from the Library-Market Hall idea to the High Street Linkages waterside project;
•    Positioning a Washlands and Wildlife Visitor Centre next to the Water Tower on the waterside;
•    Recladding the existing library building;
•    Extending the length of the towpath refurbishment project; and 
•    Beginning a review of sustainable options for the Market Hall, with a view to future investment form the borough council subject to viability.