Council adopts new targets for the year ahead

East Staffordshire Borough Council adopted a refreshed Corporate Plan at the Council meeting on Monday 21st March, setting out the way in which the Council will deliver, develop and improve its services and work to support our communities over the next 12 months.

The refreshed Plan contains a combination of transformational objectives seeking to change and regenerate the borough, as well as service indicators to monitor the delivery of key everyday council services. 

This year ESBC will build on the Uttoxeter Masterplan further consultation by investigating how the Maltings Shopping Precinct could be redeveloped, as well as exploring the feasibility of creating a Business Improvement District.

Burton will represent the Midlands region in the RHS Britain in Bloom finals for 2022. The Washlands Enhancement Project will be completed, creating an accessible nature, conservation and recreation area.

The Council will work to improve the visitor economy of East Staffordshire as a whole; developing a tourism brand, establishing a Tourism Partnership and standalone website, as well as developing proposals for a landmark visitor and education centre to further bolster the Washlands as a new destination.

Cllr George Allen, Leader of the Council said: 
“I’m delighted that the Corporate Plan has been approved for the year ahead. It’s important we monitor the delivery of our key day to day services, such as benefits processing, bin collection and planning applications, as these impact people’s daily lives. 

“During the last year we have seen the foundations laid for exciting changes for the future of both our town centres. In Uttoxeter, we will be undertaking further engagement with residents to discuss ideas and options for the Maltings, whilst in Burton we hope to unlock the £23.8m of government funding earmarked for the Burton Towns Fund projects.”

The newly adopted Corporate Plan can be viewed in full on the Council’s website.