East Staffordshire Borough Council Launches Bootcamps for Retail Entrepreneurs

East Staffordshire Borough Council has launched a comprehensive bootcamp series for the Borough’s retail entrepreneurs to ignite their ideas and help them flourish.

The Council has partnered with small business support platform Enterprise Nation and Birmingham Enterprise Community (BEC) to deliver a free five-week bootcamp series to power up talented town centre retailers and market traders in the Borough bursting with enterprising ideas.

It is open to individuals hoping to start-up an online or physical retail outlet, start-ups, early stage as well as small established retail businesses running their enterprise as a sole trader looking to brush-up their skills and find new retail opportunity.

As well as learning basic business skills, the bootcamps will teach techniques to help owners manage finances, market effectively and adopt technology to become more resilient against future economic shocks.

According to the 2024 Start-Up Ambition Report, around 35% of UK adults are thinking about starting a business at some point in their career. That figure rises to 54% amongst 18- to 24-year-olds.

The five-week bootcamps series, which start in August, September and October, will be online with monthly in-person meet-ups at different locations in the Borough, making it really easy to get involved.

Emma Jones, CBE, founder and CEO of Enterprise Nation, said: “We know a thriving small business community creates better jobs, more innovation and contributes more to the local community.”

“Enterprise Nation lives and breathes start-up and small business support every day and we really admire the ambition of East Staffordshire Borough Council’s forward-thinking plans to boost the Borough’s retail economy by supporting budding entrepreneurs.”

“We look forward to working with all those starting a business or in the early stages in this brilliant entrepreneurial Borough.”

Cllr Rob Hawkins, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development, said: “I am pleased to see the Council working so closely with Enterprise Nation and Birmingham Enterprise Community to deliver a valuable training opportunity to local businesses across the Borough. I encourage all local entrepreneurs to sign up and take advantage of the guidance and learning available.

To get involved, sign up here: https://bit.ly/RetailReadyBootcamps