East Staffs Business Can Step-up The Pace With Council Loan

Businesses in and around Burton and Uttoxeter are being encouraged to take advantage of an interest-free loan, designed to help them take the next step on their growth journey.

SMEs that have been running for between two and five years in the East Staffordshire Borough Council area could be eligible for up to £5,000 with a Step Up Loan.

Under the programme, delivered by Staffordshire County Council, working in partnership with East Staffordshire Borough Council, the loan can be used to purchase equipment or capital items that will help businesses in the district expand.

Sophie Caroll, Business and Enterprise Programmes Officer at Staffordshire County Council, said: “Step-up loans are a great opportunity for businesses that are looking to grow, but need to invest.

“The loans are interest free for an entire year and don’t need to be repaid until 12 months after issue.

“No guarantor or match-funding is required, so for businesses looking to step up production, increase the products and services they offer, or refine their processes, this type of loan can play a crucial role in achieving those goals.”

A spokesperson for East Staffordshire Borough Council said: “It’s really important that we see our local businesses thrive and the Step-up Loan has been developed to help create growth among our SMEs.

“This a great opportunity and we hope to see businesses across the borough take up the offer.”

To find out more about Step Up loans in the East Staffordshire Borough, please contact startuploans@Staffordshire.gov.uk