East Staffordshire Borough Council offers the following services for landlords within the borough:

  • Landlord Support Package - to help landlords who are willing to accept particular tenants referred by the Housing Options team
  • Landlords Forum - an event held 2-3 times a year where you can tell us about the issues that concern you, hear from relevant and interesting speakers, and network with other local landlords and agents. This can also be a valuable source of background knowledge for all landlords so please feel free to attend

If you wish to discuss any aspect of being a landlord, please contact:

Landlord Relationship Manager

Telephone: 01283 508149

Email: landlordrelations@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk

Useful information for Landlords

Being a landlord brings significant responsibilities. The onus is on the landlord to research these responsibilities and to fulfil them.

In terms of the day to day work of landlords, the following are examples of the kind of responsibilities all landlords need to research to make sure that everything is in order when they rent out a property.

  1. How to Rent is a booklet that landlords are required to give their tenants.  If landlords don't give it out, there can be frustrating delays during repossession proceedings later on.
  2. How to Let is a Government booklet intended to help Landlords.  It is not compulsory to have it, but the advice it contains could be useful.
  3. The Right to Rent rules not being followed mean that any landlord could be at risk of prosecution for not checking that their tenants have the right to rent accommodation
  4. Data Protection Law imposes duties on landlords to protect tenants' data and to inform them about the data the landlord hold
  5. Deposits protection within 30 days of receipt is a legal requirement.  An unprotected deposit creates the potential for money penalties against landlords and delays to repossession proceedings.
  6. Responsibilities of Landlords are described in more detail by the Government on their web site

Examples of other information that could help landlords

  1. Lawful repossession means landlords must keep to a precise legal procedure when repossessing any property
  2. The Model Agreement is an example tenancy agreement available on the Government website for landlords who wish to use it
  3. The Council's website has other pieces of information that can help landlords better understand the issues to do with letting
  4. Landlord Accreditation Schemes - become accredited to demonstrate to prospective tenants that you adhere to a high standard of property standards and tenancy management