What if my application to carry out work to a tree protected by a tree preservation order is refused?

Should the local planning authority refuse an application, it will explain the reasons why and, where relevant, describe any work which may be acceptable. You can then decide whether to submit a new application or appeal against the refusal to the secretary of state.

What if a tree causes damage to people or property?

Responsibility for looking after a tree lies with the owner. The owner will be liable if it can be proven they have been negligent in looking after it. In that case, you will need to prove the owner knew the tree was dangerous and did nothing about it to make it safe.

What if a protected tree is unsafe?

If you know of a protected tree which is unsafe, or you believe unauthorised work is being carried out on a protected tree, please contact us.

How do I apply for consent to carry out work to a protected tree or trees?

To apply for consent to carry out work to a protected tree or trees you can either:

A guide to tree preservation procedures