Floating Support

Floating Support is a free service which provides regular advice and support to help people develop the skills to live independently, for example:

  • paying rent and bills
  • managing money
  • claiming benefits
  • housekeeping
  • keeping to a tenancy agreement
  • avoiding anti-social behaviour
  • developing life-skills
  • linking to education and employment opportunities

The advice and support is given by a worker who visits the person regularly in their home for a few weeks up to a maximum of two years. When the person no longer needs it, the support “floats” off to another person.  Floating Support is available to people in any housing situation, including the private rented sector and rough sleepers. Currently in East Staffordshire only the following service is provided:

Provider Who for Details From
East Staffordshire Domestic Abuse Service Women or Men suffering or at risk of domestic violence Please call: 0300 304 7940

This service is funded by Staffordshire County Council. Information is also available on its website.

For other enquiries concerning domestic abuse, please ring the East Staffordshire Domestic Abuse Service on the same number - 0300 304 7940

Accommodation-based support

The following support services are provided for people who need accommodation based support. Hence accommodation is also provided for as long as the person needs the support. Once a person no longer needs the support they need to find themselves other accommodation.

Accommodation based support for vulnerable young people aged 16 to 25

Burton YMCA in Burton - Tel: 01283 538802

Accommodation based support for rough sleepers

Reconnect in Burton - Tel: 01283 547211

Accommodation based support for people with learning disability

Sanctuary - Epworth House in Burton - Tel: 01283 564491
Email: trish.hamilton@sanctuary-housing.co.uk

Other Support Services

There are lots of support services out there - these are just ones we particularly know about.

  • Substance Misuse: One Recovery provide one-to-one support and structured interventions for drug/alcohol/substance misuse, needle syringe service and Hepatitis/HIV testing, Tel 01283 741053
  • Mental health and Wellbeing: flexible mental health support including drop-ins and activities in Tamworth, Lichfield and East Staffordshire.  Together for Mental Wellbeing, Tel 01543 309 770, email staffordshire-yourway@together-uk.org
  • Homelessness: Drop-in breakfast club for people who are homeless or struggling to settle after homelessness. Tuesdays 8am - 9am at the Reconnect Centre, Orchard Street, Burton (on the Asda roundabout), Tel 01283 547211
  • Rough sleeping: If sleeping rough, please contact Housing Options 01283 508120.  To report a rough sleeper contact Streetlink on 0300 500 0914 (calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone)
  • Alcohol recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous has user-led support meetings in Burton and Yoxall and also Rugeley and Ashbourne
  • Gambling: Gamblers Anonymous has user-led support meetings in Derby