The Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994 eliminated the need for hairdressers and barbers to be registered. However, under Section 77 of the Public Health Act 1961 a local authority may make byelaws for hairdressers and barbers for the purpose of securing:

(a) the cleanliness of premises on which a hairdresser’s or barber’s business is carried on and of the instruments, towels, materials and equipment used therein, and

(b) the cleanliness of the hairdressers or barbers working in such premises in regard to both themselves and their clothing. 

These byelaws are enforced by Environmental Health Officers.

Although there is no legal requirement for hairdressers and barbers to register and apply for a licence, they must still comply with East Staffordshire Borough Council's byelaws, it will be at the discretion of the officer whether an inspection to the premises is required or not.

You can download a copy of the byelaws.