Open Space Assessment

When is it required?

All applications for 10 or more dwellings or for proposals affecting an existing area of public open space

What is this? 

Developments are required to provide open space, or make a contribution to open space in the area (as governed by the adopted Supplementary Planning Document on Open Space).

Where open space facilities are proposed to be provided on-site or in-kind they must be defined in the application and the following details provided in a statement to accompany the planning application:

•    How the facility will be initially installed and subsequently maintained to the submitted specification for at least 10 years;
•    A maintenance specification for the works; 
•    How it will meet all other requirements within the Open Space SPD.

Where a development proposal will result in the loss of existing open space an assessment demonstrating that the existing open space provision is surplus to requirements should be submitted.

Why is this required?

National Planning Policy Framework (particularly Paragraphs 96 – 101)

Supplementary Planning Document Open Space

East Staffordshire Local Plan Policy SP32

Further Advice and Guidance 

Where open space facilities cannot be provided entirely on-site or can only be provided on-site in part, a financial contribution through a Planning Obligation will be expected.

Link to Open Space SPD

National Planning Practice Guidance 

Sport England Guidance