Transport Assessments Statements and Travel Plans

When is it required?

All developments that generate significant amounts of transport movement should be supported by a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment.

The Local Planning Authority will make a judgement as to whether a development proposal would generate significant amounts of movement on a case by case basis (ie significance may be a lower threshold where road capacity is already stretched or a higher threshold for a development in an area of high public transport accessibility).

What is this?

Transport Assessments and Statements are ways of assessing the potential transport impacts of developments and they may propose mitigation measures to promote sustainable development.

Transport Assessments are thorough assessments of the transport implications of development, and Transport Statements are a ‘lighter-touch’ evaluation to be used where this would be more proportionate to the potential impact of the development (ie in the case of developments with anticipated limited transport impacts).

A travel plan should outline the way in which the transport implications of the development are going to be managed in order to ensure the minimum environmental, social and economic impacts.

Where the transport impacts of development are not significant, it may be that no Transport Assessment or Statement is required. The Local Planning Authority, County Highways Authority and Developer should agree what evaluation is needed in each instance.

Transport Assessments and Statements can be used to establish whether the residual transport impacts of a proposed development are likely to be “severe”. In general, assessments should be based on normal traffic flow and usage conditions (eg non-school holiday periods, typical weather conditions) but it may be necessary to consider the implications for any regular peak traffic and usage periods (such as rush hours).

Why is this required?

  • National Planning Policy Framework (Paragraph 111)
  • Manual for Streets.
  • East Staffordshire Local Plan Policy SP1, SP35
  • Circular 02/2007: Planning and the Strategic Road Network.
  • Dft Circular 02/2013 The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development

Further Advice

Guidance on the contents and thresholds for Transport Assessments and Traffic Statements are available in Appendix B of the DFT guidance:

Applicants are advised to seek specialist expertise and to discuss their proposals with Staffordshire County Council’s Highway Authority on 01785 276640 at an early stage in the design process.  Please see their website for the pre app advice service 

If any proposals have an impact on the strategic road network you should engage with the Highways England at an early stage (0121 678 8284).

Guidance on Transport Assessments and Traffic Statements is available in the links below: