Roads and highways are the responsibility of Staffordshire County Council not East Staffordshire Borough Council.

Staffordshire County Council services

Please contact Staffordshire County Council  to report any of the following:

  • Abnormal loads
  • Access protection markings (white lines)
  • Bridges
  • Bus lane penalty fees
  • Bus stops and shelters
  • Cycle lanes
  • Disabled parking
  • Flooding and drainage
  • Gritting and grit bins
  • Licences for highway works and obstructions
  • Mud, spillages and obstructions
  • Parking fines
  • Potholes
  • Road markings
  • Street lighting
  • Signs on the road and footpath
  • Traffic calming
  • Traffic lights and signals
  • Tree and hedge maintenance
  • Vehicles parked on the highway
  • Walls and fences (highway retention)
  • Weight restriction areas
  • Weeds and grass cutting

You can call the Staffordshire County Council highways team on 0300 111 8000 or visit their highways homepage.

If you're calling on a mobile phone, or from outside Staffordshire, please call 01785 27745 or 01785 277686.