Brochure Sponsorship

Each year the Brewhouse Arts Centre hosts a number of shows, activities and events that are promoted using specific brochures.

On average 10,000 brochures are produced per year and left on display in each of the Council's cultural services facilities.

Electronic versions of the brochures are created and emailed to approx. 2,000 individual email addresses. Brochures are also available to download from our Brewhouse webpage.

This sponsoring opportunity will result in your logo being displayed on the front cover of all of the brochures produced, displayed online and emailed out to facility databases.

Locations: Brewhouse Arts Centre Programme


Brochure No of Brochures Location

Price + VAT (Per Season)

Season Brochures (Brewhouse Shows, Events and Activities) 3,500 Brewhouse £600.00
Season Brochures (Brewhouse Shows, Events and Activities) 3,500 Brewhouse £600.00
Season Brochures (Brewhouse Shows, Events and Activities) 3,500 Brewhouse £600.00
Communications Team Contact

Communications Team contact information

  • 01283 508772