Taxi Consultations

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy Review 2024-2029

East Staffordshire Borough Council proposes to review the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy 2024-2029 that regulates the trades within the Borough of East Staffordshire.

The aim of the policy is to secure the safety and amenity of the travelling public and to ensure that drivers provide taxi services while facilitating a sustainable taxi industry.

The Council, in adopting the licensing policy recognises both the needs of residents for safe, healthy, convenient, and effective taxi transport and the importance of this provision to the local economy and vibrancy of the Borough. 

The full policy can be viewed here.

Along with the policy there is a matrix of changes.

Any comments should be made by 2nd February 2024 by email to

If you require any further information please contact the Licensing Team on 01283 508310.