This page contains a record of executive decision records taken by officers and members under delegated powers from the Cabinet.

A list of Council Executive Decision Records (EDRs) is provided below. You can find an EDR by searching for the date it was signed or by the category of the EDR.

EDR Block
EDR Title Category Date
135.24 WEP Trent Rowing Club Planning and Regeneration
136.24 WEP St Chad's Community Centre Planning and Regeneration
195.24 WEP Branston Parish Council Planning and Regeneration
150.24 Local EV Infrastructure (LEVI) Funding - Governance & Agreement Other
194.24 WEP Yoxall Conservation and Footpath Group Planning and Regeneration
192.24 WEP Burton Caribbean Association Planning and Regeneration
193.24 WEP Burton Unity Planning and Regeneration
176.24 WEP Burton Hazara Society Planning and Regeneration
179.24 WEP Grange Tennis Club Planning and Regeneration
191.24 WEP Red Lion House Charity Planning and Regeneration