Annual Council - 17th May 2019

Meeting Information
Meeting Date
Start Time
End Time
Meeting Venue
Council Chamber
    Agenda Item
    Agenda Item
    Enc No 3 Council Constitution Update
    Attachment Size
    CCL 190517 Constitution Update.pdf (PDF, 135.11KB) 135.11 KB
    0 CONSTITUTION CONTENTS.pdf (PDF, 590.44KB) 590.44 KB
    1 - Part 1 - Summary and Explanation.pdf (PDF, 486.63KB) 486.63 KB
    2 - Part 2 - Articles.pdf (PDF, 625.75KB) 625.75 KB
    3 - Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions and Delegation of Powers.pdf (PDF, 523.26KB) 523.26 KB
    3A - Council Meeting Rules of Procedure.pdf (PDF, 927.23KB) 927.23 KB
    3B - Full Council.pdf (PDF, 558.53KB) 558.53 KB
    3Ba - Role Descriptions for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 470.32KB) 470.32 KB
    3C - Cabinet etc.pdf (PDF, 485.14KB) 485.14 KB
    3Ca - Leader and Deputy Leaders' Responsibilities.pdf (PDF, 477.25KB) 477.25 KB
    3Cb - Joint LEP Supervisory Board.pdf (PDF, 477.87KB) 477.87 KB
    3D - Appeals Panel.pdf (PDF, 502.11KB) 502.11 KB
    3E- Audit (approval of Statement of Accounts) Committee.pdf (PDF, 470.07KB) 470.07 KB
    3F - Complaints Panel.pdf (PDF, 465.17KB) 465.17 KB
    3G - Licensing Committee.pdf (PDF, 517.52KB) 517.52 KB
    3Ga - Licensing General Sub-Committee.pdf (PDF, 473.75KB) 473.75 KB
    3Gb - Licensing & Gambling Acts Sub-Committees.pdf (PDF, 477.5KB) 477.5 KB
    3H - Planning Committee.pdf (PDF, 547.52KB) 547.52 KB
    3Ha - Development Plan Committee.pdf (PDF, 465.6KB) 465.6 KB
    3Ia - Scrutiny (Economic Growth, Communities and Health) Committee.pdf (PDF, 481KB) 481 KB
    3Ib- Scrutiny (Audit Value for Money Council Services) Committee.pdf (PDF, 485.89KB) 485.89 KB
    3Ic - Joint LEP Scrutiny Committee.pdf (PDF, 488.04KB) 488.04 KB
    3J - Senior Officer Employment Committee (2).pdf (PDF, 475.38KB) 475.38 KB
    3K - Standards Committee.pdf (PDF, 481.09KB) 481.09 KB
    3Z - Officers.pdf (PDF, 478.85KB) 478.85 KB
    3Za - Management Structure.pdf (PDF, 546.88KB) 546.88 KB
    3Zb - Statutory Officers.pdf (PDF, 476.3KB) 476.3 KB
    4 - Part 4 - Procedures.pdf (PDF, 468.18KB) 468.18 KB
    3Zc - Proper Officers.pdf (PDF, 573.4KB) 573.4 KB
    4A - Access to Information Procedures.pdf (PDF, 621.94KB) 621.94 KB
    4Ab - Data Protection Policy.pdf (PDF, 562.6KB) 562.6 KB
    4B - Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy.pdf (PDF, 503.98KB) 503.98 KB
    4C - Complaints Procedure.pdf (PDF, 486.44KB) 486.44 KB
    4D - Contract Procedure Rules.pdf (PDF, 787.79KB) 787.79 KB
    4E - Corporate Governance Statement.pdf (PDF, 469.02KB) 469.02 KB
    4F - Disciplinary Procedures for Chief Officers.pdf (PDF, 515.68KB) 515.68 KB
    4G - Disciplinary Procedures for Statutory Officers.pdf (PDF, 518.54KB) 518.54 KB
    4H - Financial Regulations.pdf (PDF, 604.58KB) 604.58 KB
    4I - Officer Employment Rules.pdf (PDF, 465.11KB) 465.11 KB
    4J - Petitions Scheme.pdf (PDF, 525.02KB) 525.02 KB
    4K - Simple Guide to Decision-Making.pdf (PDF, 587.63KB) 587.63 KB
    4L - Standards Committee Complaint Procedures.pdf (PDF, 647.53KB) 647.53 KB
    4M - Dispensations Process and Form.pdf (PDF, 760.96KB) 760.96 KB
    4N - Whistle-blowing Policy.pdf (PDF, 602.84KB) 602.84 KB
    4O - Indemnities for Officers and Councillors.pdf (PDF, 460.88KB) 460.88 KB
    5 - Part 5 - Codes of Conduct.pdf (PDF, 440.45KB) 440.45 KB
    5A - Code of Conduct for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 655.56KB) 655.56 KB
    5B - Code of Conduct for Officers.pdf (PDF, 685.42KB) 685.42 KB
    5C - Protocol for Councillor and Officer Relations.pdf (PDF, 533.75KB) 533.75 KB
    5D - Gifts and Hospitality Code for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 514.03KB) 514.03 KB
    5E - Planning Code for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 626.95KB) 626.95 KB
    5F - Councillors Call for Action Guidance.pdf (PDF, 676.12KB) 676.12 KB
    5G - Social Media Policy for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 501.25KB) 501.25 KB
    6 - Part 6 - Councillors Allowance Scheme.pdf (PDF, 523.11KB) 523.11 KB
    7 - Part 7 - Record of Amendments.pdf (PDF, 444.9KB) 444.9 KB