The Landlords Forum - Town Hall Meeting (also online)

6pm - Tuesday 16th July, 2024 at the Town Hall - also streamed online

Landlords are invited to the Landlords Forum which is open to all landlords, agents and people providing services to landlords.


Tuesday 16th July 2023, 6.00pm, Town Hall, King Edward Place, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2EB


  1. Selective Licensing Update (Environmental Health)
  2. Damp and Mould Issues (Environmental Health)
  3. Landlord Legislation Round-Up (To be confirmed)

The Council is setting up its own Zoom link if you would prefer to join the meeting that way. The link will be circulated shortly before the meeting.  Please contact if you would like to receive future communications about the Landlords Forum.

Speakers and Events

The Council is keen to hear from any providers of services to landlords who would like to share their expertise in the form of a general talk to the Landlords Forum.  For example, if you offer legal, financial or management services to landlords and are able to share insights that landlords could benefit from at the Landlords Forum, please feel free to contact us at to arrange a date.

Do we have your correct email address?

We can send you an invitation to the Landlords Forum if we have your correct email address. If you are not currently receiving invitations to the Forum, please send a request email to

More information for landlords

The Council's website has useful information for landlords and tenants.  We also seek to help landlords by hosting Landlords Forums where you can tell us about the issues that concern you, hear from relevant and interesting speakers, and network with other local landlords and agents. 

Subjects Covered at Past Forums and Information Circulars to Landlords

The following are examples of agenda items from previous forums and information circulars to landlords.  Some cover basic responsibilities of both tenants and landlords (see also our web page on information for landlords ).   Others such as talks on tax issues will help you to better protect your interests as a landlord.

  • Selective Licensing Scheme - proposal, implementation and updates
  • Electrical Safety and Portable Appliance Testing
  • Avoiding Deposit Disputes
  • Tax issues for Landlords
  • National Landlords Association - News and Updates
  • The Finances of Letting Property
  • Legionnaires Disease and legislation
  • Letting Agents Redress Scheme
  • Illegal Eviction and Harassment
  • Tenant Referencing
  • Inventories
  • The Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation

Contact us

If you wish to discuss any aspect of being a landlord the please contact our Landlord Relationship Manager:-

Tel (01283) 508149