This page contains a record of executive decision records taken by officers and members under delegated powers from the Cabinet.

A list of Council Executive Decision Records (EDRs) is provided below. You can find an EDR by searching for the date it was signed or by the category of the EDR.

EDR Block
EDR Title Category Date
438.22 Pets as Prizes Environmental health
434.22 Dog Bag Dispensers Environmental health
437.22 Community Regeneration Fund Planning and Regeneration
422.22 Lease 3 Additional Units of Temporary Accommodation for Homeless Applicants Housing
423.22 Extend the Leases of the Current Stock of Temporary Accommodation Housing
429.22 Update on the Domestic Abuse Policy Other
452.22 Settlement Hierarchy 2022 Planning and Regeneration
395.22 S106 Financial Contributions P/2012/00636 Land South of Forest School St Rolleston on Dove Planning and Regeneration
420.22 Homes of Ukraine Payments Housing
421.22 Internal Audit Contract Extension Finance