This page contains a record of executive decision records taken by officers and members under delegated powers from the Cabinet.

A list of Council Executive Decision Records (EDRs) is provided below. You can find an EDR by searching for the date it was signed or by the category of the EDR.

EDR Block
EDR Title Category Date
713.16 Mking the Stapenhill Neighbourhood Plan Planning and Regeneration
715.16 Community Right to Bid Barley Mow Stapenhill Other
712.16 Making the Newborough Neighbourhood Plan Other
719.16 Transfer of Open Space Shotwood Close Parks and Open Spaces
706.16 East Staffordshire Efficiency Plan Other
704.16 Primary Authority Partnership - Punch Taverns Other
695.16 Cash Collection Services Parking
696.16 Making the Anglesey Neighbourhood Plan Planning and Regeneration
694.16 Street Naming Robert Bakewell Way Street Naming
697.16 Forwarding the Marchington Newborough and Stapenhill Plans to Referendum Planning and Regeneration